and QRZĪC Log by N3FJP - Easy to use, well written contact logging program. Easy Tracking of awards WAS, VUCC, DXCC, IOTA, Parks on the Air, US Counties and host of other awards available. No need to keep calendars and clocks Ease of tracking QSLs sent and received easy lookup Callsign lookup from CD or online like QRZ, HAMCALL, HAMQTH and other available services. Searching contacts thought paper logs is very time consuming especially if you have many logbooks.Ĭomputer logging programs will log the date, time and when used with rig control track frequency/band, mode. And provide detailed information for that call, like beam heading, distance, sunrise/sunset.ĥ PAPER or COMPUTER The hardcopy paper logbook is the traditional keeper of the contacts. With a click it will insert the needed call into your program. Your logging program will alert when a new DX is needed.

When linked online you can connect to the worldwide spotting clusters. Computer logging programs will automatically log the date, time and when used with rig control track frequency/band, mode. Many include tools to control modern software controllable radios, antenna rotors and other station functions and devices. Computer logging programs are configurable and can keep track of a wide range of your logged information. There are many choices freeware or commercial in PC or MAC format. This is also good for Stateside (WAS), (VUCC) awardsĤ PAPER or COMPUTER Computer logging programs are widely available. Optional notes: Power output, name of contact, QTH and rigs, antenna etc For DX contacts QSL route, direct, Buro, QSL Manager or online QSL service.

DATE, TIME in UTC, CALLSIGN, Frequency/BAND, MODE, Signal report. Personally, a log is like a personal radio history reminding you of the people and places you’ve talked to, the nets you participated in and contests you worked.ģ WHAT’s IN A LOG Information needed for your log. Operationally, having a log of past contacts is a resource when filling out that DX QSL card that may have taken months to arrive. Legally, a log of your transmissions would be invaluable in proving your innocence in an interference complaint. The reasons for logging your amateur activity fall into three categories: legal, operational and personal. 1 Overview of Ham Radio Logging programs Tom Carrubba KA2D